It’s my last night in Montana, just in time. There’s snow in the mountains, and it’s been cold and rainy in the valley of Missoula and the high plains of Great Falls. Winter’s coming. I, however, will be back in the tropics. I leave for the Dominican Republic tomorrow morning, the 19th, at 7:30 a.m. It’s been a quick trip back to the U.S. I arrived on Sept. 3 after a grueling, 26-hour trip from Bangkok. Then, on Tuesday the 5th, I traveled to Washington, D.C. Then it was back to Montana on Thursday, the 7th. Friday was my physical. I only just recovered from extreme jet lag near the end of last week, when I traveled to Missoula for a few days.

Tomorrow night I’m supposed to be driven to a hotel in Santo Domingo by Demetrio, who will be wearing a Yankee cap. So will I. Thus, another year in another country begins soon. More later.