I’m still going through all of the older posts from the original MontanaRon blog software, updating links and photos to make them compatible with Word Press. I was updating a link to last year’s Yankee outfielder Melky Cabrera from when he visited the Domincan Republic Yankee baseball academy back in 2006. To be sure that I have the links entered correctly, I visit the relevant websites. Jeez, I clicked on that particular link and, sure enough, there’s Melky, but he’s wearing an Atlanta Braves cap. Yikes, I’d just about forgotten that he’s no longer a member of the Yanks. Johnny Damon and others are gone, too, but the team has added a few guys that should ensure that the World Series Trophy remains at Yankee Stadium at the end of the 2010 season.
Spring training begins soon, and loyal reader OGM, Red Sox fan extraordinaire, should be able to inform us how many days until then. Also, I’m curious if the Infamous Red Sox Equipment Truck was able to depart Boston for sunnier climes or did the recent heavy snowfall interfere with this auspicious (for Red Sox fans) occasion? Inquiring minds want to know.
In my previous post, I mentioned our 3-day Lunar New Year holiday, but I just noticed that the U.S. also has a long weekend due to the observance of Presidents’ Day on Monday. Missoula and Great Falls, Montana residents look like they’ll have the same type of weather that we expect here in Yeosu, but Glendive, Montana, my home for 20 years, is supposed to experience low temperatures below zero Saturday and Sunday. Enjoy.
As far as updating the old blog posts, I’m better than halfway, so I guess progress is being made. Maybe I’ll really push to get it done during my 10 days off later this month. Mr. Excitement, that’s me. 🙁 More later.